Family database Juling
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There are 17 individuals with the location Miami County (Ohio) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
JAY, Alice Parmelia * 12.07.1855 in Miami County (Ohio), + in
PUGH, Elizabeth * in Frederick County (Virginia), + 23.04.1821 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Insco * 22.05.1813 in Miami County (Ohio), + 29.08.1852 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, James * 06.11.1791 in Newberry County (South Carolina), + 22.10.1845 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Jane * 16.09.1795 in Newberry County (South Carolina), + 22.12.1871 in Miami County (Ohio)
COATES, Jane * 27.06.1810 in Miami County (Ohio), + 05.04.1887 in
     oo 20.06.1832 in Miami County (Ohio) JAY, Thomas , Jr. * 08.08.1811 in Miami County (Ohio), + 23.08.1862 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Jesse * 08.12.1773 in Newberry County (South Carolina), + 25.09.1840 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Joanne * 29.03.1815 in Miami County (Ohio), + in 1898 in Union (Ohio)
JAY, John * 26.10.1752 in North Carolina (USA), + 23.04.1829 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, John * 08.05.1809 in Miami County (Ohio), + 04.05.1814 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Lydia * 15.05.1793 in Newberry County (South Carolina), + 30.03.1830 in Miami County (Ohio)
PEARSON, Mary * 23.09.1778 in , + 27.08.1811 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Rebecca * 15.05.1806 in Miami County (Ohio), + 26.08.1872 in Dublin (Indiana)
CAMMACK, Tamar * in Montgomery County (Ohio), + in 1853 in Miami County (Ohio)
JAY, Thomas , Jr. * 08.08.1811 in Miami County (Ohio), + 23.08.1862 in Miami County (Ohio)
     oo 20.06.1832 in Miami County (Ohio) COATES, Jane * 27.06.1810 in Miami County (Ohio), + 05.04.1887 in
JAY, Walter Denny * 15.07.1786 in Newberry County (South Carolina), + 08.07.1865 in Miami County (Ohio)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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