Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Susanna Adelheid SCHMEES
Ancestors list
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Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Susanna Adelheid SCHMEES is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Susanna Adelheid SCHMEES
* 28.09.1732
in Leschede
Hermannus SCHMEES (# 894)
* 01.04.1703
in Leschede
+ 15.12.1742
in Emsbüren

oo 05.06.1731
in Emsbüren

Susanna Helena DALING (# 895)
* 24.06.1708
in Elbergen
+ 05.01.1777
in Hanwische (Emsbüren)
Theodor Tobias SCHMEES (# 1788)
* about 1669 Leschede?
oo 22.11.1701
in Emsbüren
Margaretha Mechthild EILERS (# 1789)
* about 1674 Emsbüren?
* +
* +

* +
* +

Henrich DALING (# 1790)
* 13.01.1676 Elbergen
+ 0000-00-00
in Emsbüren
Gesina WINTEL (# 1791)
* about 1679 Mehringen
+ 0000-00-00
Heinrich DALING (# 3580)
* about 1650 +
oo 01.01.1675
Anna UNBEKANNT (# 3581)
* about 1655 +

Joan WINTEL (# 3582)
* +
Christina WELLEN (# 3583)
* +


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