Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Sophia Anna Maria WINTER-ECKSELER
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Sophia Anna Maria WINTER-ECKSELER is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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* 24.11.1848
in Eschendorf
Gerhard Heinrich HERMES
Heinrich Gerhard WINTER-ECKSELER
* 15.02.1800
in Dutum
+ 13.07.1853
in Eschendorf

oo 01.05.1832
in Rheine

Anna Maria BERTELS
* 05.04.1812
in Landersum
+ 03.02.1877
in Eschendorf
Gerhard Henrich Johan WINTER
* 05.12.1748 Wadelheim
+ 17.01.1824 Dutum
oo 15.04.1784
in Rheine
Anna Margareta WEWER
* 05.03.1767 Dutum
+ 04.10.1813 Dutum
Everhard WINTER
* before 1710 + 1783
oo 23.10.1740
Catharina DUTUM
* before 1716 + 1755
Theodor (Dirck) WINTER
Christina MERSMANN

Hermann CORDES
Margaretha GROTKE
Bernard Joan WEWER
* before 1730 +
oo 10.02.1754
Margaretha Anna WINNEMÖLLER
* before 1730 +

Hermann Joan BERTELS
* 29.09.1765 Neuenkirchen b. Rheine
+ 10.05.1830 Neuenkirchen b. Rheine
oo 19.09.1809
in Neuenkirchen b. Rheine
Anna Catharina BÄTKER
+ 27.03.1856 Neuenkirchen b. Rheine
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