Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Charlotte Dorothea Elisabeth HÖFEL
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Charlotte Dorothea Elisabeth HÖFEL is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
If the visitor should find a person known to him on these pages, please contact me: Herbert Juling (
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Charlotte Dorothea Elisabeth HÖFEL
* 17.10.1801
in Möckern
Johann Christian HÖFEL
* 25.05.1777
in Möckern
+ 0000-00-00

oo 23.11.1797
in Möckern

(Joh)Anne Charlotte Elisabeth ROHDE
* 08.11.1773
in Möckern
Johann Christian HÖFEL
* 25.01.1748 Möckern
+ 07.08.1823 Möckern
oo 23.11.1769
in Papsdorf
Dorothea Sophia SEGERS
* about 1842 Pabsdorf?
+ 31.08.1810 Möckern
Johann Christoph HÖFEL
* 1711 + 1778
oo 28.11.1732
Anna Maria SCHMOLS
* about 1701 + 1778
Christian Christoph HÖFEL
Maria Elisabeth MODDEN

* +
* +

Johann Christoph ROHDE
* 15.07.1744 Möckern
oo 12.02.1772
in Möckern
Anna Dorothea Rosina PALM
* about 1745
Christoph Friedrich ROHDE
* about 1715 + 1772
oo 20.02.1738
Johanna Elisabeth UNBEKANNT
* about 1720 +

Johann Andreas PALM
* about 1720 +
* +


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