Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Anton Joan Martin LEUGERS
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Anton Joan Martin LEUGERS is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Joan Henrich LEUGERS
* 02.08.1734
in Gellendorf
+ 23.12.1799
in Gellendorf

oo 25.11.1766
in Rheine

Maria Clara Anna NABER
* in 1738
+ 01.06.1814
in Rheine
Hermann LEUGERS (# 344)
* 11.07.1701 Gellendorf
oo 13.11.1717
in Rheine
Maria BORCHERT (# 345)
* 05.12.1696 Rodde
Gerhard LEUGERS (# 688)
* before 1666 +
oo 11.01.1699
Fenne POHLMANN (# 689)
* before 1671 +
Bernard LEUGERS (# 1376)
UNBEKANNT (# 1377)

Bernard POHLMANN (# 1378)
Anna SCHMEDDING (# 1379)
Bernhard BORCHERT (# 1288)
* 1672 +
oo 27.07.1695
Margaretha Anna SCHULTE (# 1289)
* 1671 + 1737
Johan BORCHERT (# 2576)
UNBEKANNT (# 2577)

Berhard Gert SCHULTE MEYER (# 2578)
* +
* +

* +
* +


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