Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Maria Catharina GUDE
Ancestors list
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Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Maria Catharina GUDE is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Maria Catharina GUDE
* 29.10.1858
in Gellendorf
Gerhard Bernard GUDE GNT LEUGERS
* 31.08.1827
in Gellendorf
+ 05.11.1886
in Gellendorf

oo 09.01.1858
in Rheine

Maria Catharina PULS GNT LEUGERS
* 21.09.1839
in Gellendorf
+ 09.01.1892
in Gellendorf
Gerhard Joannes GUDE
* 24.12.1798 Gellendorf
+ 12.04.1858 Gellendorf
oo 13.09.1825
in Rheine
Anna Maria Elisabeth EXELER
* in 1796 Gellendorf
Bernard Joan GUDE
* before 1767 + 1833
oo 23.11.1794
Anna Catharina HAAR
* 1770 +

Johan Bernd Henrich HAAR (# 170)
Anna Catharina GROTHUES (# 171)
Bernard Hermann Joan EXELER
* before 1760 +
oo 15.01.1782
Anna Maria LEUGERS
* before 1755 + 1820

Henrich Gerhard PULS GNT LEUGERS
* 25.04.1813 Gellendorf
+ 27.06.1855 Gellendorf
oo 02.10.1838
in Rheine
Adelheid Maria Anna LEUGERS
* 09.03.1804 Gellendorf
+ 07.12.1854 Gellendorf
Gerhard Joan PULS
* + 1836
oo 10.04.1801
Gertrud Anna Maria LOBMEYER
* +

Georg Bernard Joan LEUGERS
* before 1777 + 1850
oo 11.11.1800
Anna Catharina SCHRÄER
* +
Georg Joan LEUGERS
Adelheid Anna BRÜGGEMANN


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